Showing posts with label construction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label construction. Show all posts


Home construction business cards

Are you in the construction business or simply a building contractor? These simple and effective business cards are exactly what you need to help expand your business.

houses business card
houses business card by jinaiji
Design and print business cards at Zazzle


Modern construction business cards

Let these contemporary and professional construction theme business cards make a positive impression for your business.
Construction sqaures profilecard
Construction sqaures by TrendsNTees
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Sexy construction business cards design

I certainly wasn't quite expecting these gorgeous black and white photography when I put in a search for construction business cards. These photos beautifully illustrate the strength and quietness of building materials and tools. I highly recommend these business cards for construction business owners, carpenters, architects, engineers, furniture designers or anyone who treats their creations as works of art. Photography and design by Sandy Buckley.


Business card design with texture

All of these are great example use of texture in design. The distressed feel of the first two brings excitement and energy to the company's products or services. The cards featuring asphalt and sheet metal somehow makes the construction and industrial industry seem cool. The bicycle business card is quite hip, probably best for a very urban audience. Last but not least, the black chandelier against distressed wallpaper is lovely in a dramatic way. They are great for artists, interior consultants and retail establishments that target the cosmopolitan crowd.


Bold business card in solid colors is not easy to find

Occupations like consultants in the financial sectors, computer technology, or construction often need to have cleaner looking business cards. These designs are simple yet bold. Gray color gives a solid, trustworthy perception while a small shot of bright color hints innovation and growth.